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How to choose special valve for water distribution--gate valve
- Mar 27, 2018 -

Different media need to choose a different valve to control. With the increasing demand of various media delivery, many different types are presented.


And for the ordinary water transmission, water distribution valve is the gate valve, then this valve how to choose? To choose a suitable valve must be considered in many ways.


The first is to turn off whether it is labor-saving, valve and cut-off valve compared to, whether it is open or closed, its gate movement direction is to maintain the vertical flow direction of the state, labor-saving opening is this type of valve must have the performance. Second, it depends on whether the filler is a high-quality filler, can ensure reliable sealing performance. If the selected valve does not have a higher quality of filler as the basis, it is difficult to ensure its sealing performance, and even affect other performance of the play. In addition, we must pay attention to the choice of whether the cover of the use of stainless steel or cemented carbide materials, which is the key to ensure the service life of the valve.


After all, the use of this type of valve in the process will be affected by the flow size and pressure and impact, to ensure that its overall quality to avoid these factors caused by the damage, so that its service life can achieve a longer effect. In addition, pay attention to brand choice. Different brands of gate valve, whether from the quality or from the cost and performance analysis are there are many deficiencies. The choice of professional manufacturers to produce valves, is to protect their life and quality of the key. The most important is the brand's valve is more conducive to the protection of perfect after-sales service, to avoid problems can not be resolved in a timely manner, affecting the transmission of the media work.