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What Are The Roles Of Inventorying Industrial Safety Valves?
- May 13, 2018 -

An industrial safety valve is a normally closed state of an opening/closing element under the influence of an external force. When the medium pressure in a device or pipe rises above a specified value, discharge of the medium to the outside of the system prevents the pressure in the pipe or equipment from exceeding a specified value. valve. The safety valve is an automatic valve, which is mainly used in boilers, pressure vessels and pipelines. The control pressure does not exceed the specified value and plays an important role in personal safety and equipment operation.

What are the roles of inventorying industrial safety valves?

(1) Full condensate

The amount of bleed is the total amount of steam entering the condenser, and the discharge amount is recalculated according to the temperature under the new gas phase composition corresponding to the discharge conditions and the heat input under the discharge conditions. The buffer capacity of the top stream 191 is affected by its normal sprinkling. The residence time of the bit is less than 10% considered. If the flushing medium fails more than this time and there is no flow, the composition, temperature, and vapor volume of the overhead will vary greatly.

(2) Partial condensation

The bleed volume is the difference between the amount of incoming and outgoing steam under the bleed condition. The amount of steam entering should be calculated on the basis of (1). If the composition of the reflux or flow is changed, the amount of steam entering the condenser should be determined according to the new conditions.

(3) The air cooler fan has failed

Inside the natural convection effect, even if the fan fails. If there is no major change in the discharge conditions, the air cooler is usually 20% to 30% of the condensation, so for the full or partial condensation of the two operating conditions Put control of 70% to 80% of the condensation effect. However, the actual load usually depends on the design performance of the air cooler. If a mechanical fault occurs on the pitch changer using variable pitch fan and fan, the cooling capacity of the air cooler will be reduced.