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How To Use And Maintain The Electric Control Valve
- May 30, 2018 -

The use of regulating valves in the field is often caused not by the quality of the regulating valve itself, but by improper installation and use of the regulating valve, such as the installation environment, improper installation location and direction, or improper piping. Therefore, when the electric control valve is installed and used, pay attention to the following aspects:

1 The regulating valve belongs to the field instrument and requires that the ambient temperature should be within a range of 25t to 60t and relative humidity of 95%. If it is installed in open air or high temperature, waterproof and cooling measures should be taken. In places where there are earthquake sources, we must keep away from the source or increase earthquake prevention measures.

2 The regulating valve should generally be installed vertically. In special circumstances, it can be tilted. If the angle of inclination is large or the valve itself is too heavy, the support of the valve should be increased.

3 The pipeline for installing the regulating valve should not be too high from the ground or the floor. When the pipeline height is greater than 2m, the platform should be set as far as possible to facilitate the operation of the handwheel and facilitate the maintenance.

4 Before installing the regulator valve, the pipeline should be cleaned to remove dirt and welding slag. After installation, in order to ensure that no impurities remain in the valve body, the valve should be cleaned again. That is, all the valves should be opened when the medium is in circulation to prevent the impurities from getting stuck. After using the handwheel mechanism, it should be restored to its original neutral position.

5 In order to allow the production valve to continue in the event of a fault or maintenance of the regulating valve, a bypass line must be added to the regulating valve. At the same time, special attention should be paid to whether the installation position of the regulating valve meets the requirements of the process.

6 The electrical part of the electric control valve should be installed according to the relevant electrical equipment construction requirements. If the explosion-proof products are to be installed in accordance with the requirements of the “Electrical Equipment Installation Criteria for Explosion Hazardous Locations”. For example, SBH-type or other six-core or eight-core, rubber-mounted cable with an outer diameter of about 11.3mm is used for field wiring. In use and maintenance, it is forbidden to open the lid and repair the explosion-proof surface in an explosive place. At the same time, do not injure or scratch the explosion-proof surface in the disassembly and assembly, and restore the original explosion-proof requirements after the maintenance.

7 After the reducer of the actuator is removed, lubrication should be paid attention to. The low speed motor should not be disassembled and refueled. After installation, check whether the valve position and valve position opening indication match.

8 The working performance of the regulating valve will directly affect the working quality of the entire regulating system. Because the regulating valve is in direct contact with the media being adjusted in the field, the working environment is very harsh, and therefore it is easy to produce various failures. In the production process, besides eliminating these faults at any time, regular maintenance and regular maintenance must be carried out. Especially for the use of a particularly bad control valve, it should pay more attention to maintenance and regular maintenance.

9 The correct use and maintenance of the electric control valve can not only improve the reliability of the process control, but also increase the service life of the electric control valve. It has considerable economic benefits for the company's energy saving and consumption reduction. Prepared operating conditions and platform construction.