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Commissioning of Hydraulic Pump
- Feb 05, 2018 -

1, It is to rotate the coupling by hand, should be a light, uniform force to identify the pump is normal installation.

2, is the inspection of the pump rotation direction should be with the pump body signs indicated by the direction of compliance, not to the counter.

3, is to check whether the hydraulic system has a drop-load circuit, can cause full load start and stop, so as to reduce the service life of the pump, and make the motor overload.

4, is to check the system of the safety valve in the adjustment of the licensing pressure.

5, is the first test before the pump, should be filled with oil in the drain, so that the pump has oil, lest the pump start due to friction damage components, at the same time the safety valve open.

6, is the pump before work should be carried out not less than 10min of empty load operation, check the operation of the pump sound is normal and the direction of the liquid flow is correct